First Saturn via Web Cam

I was looking forward to this time of year and having Saturn back in view.  I started my astronomy hobby in May, and at that point I did get some views of Saturn through my Bresser 130N telescope, but was not really able to image it with a manual scope.

The evening was not great for seeing and I did image Saturn too early on in the evening, when it was low in the sky, which then gives you atmospheric turbulence.

The images were taken using the Philips SPC900 web cam, I can’t remember the exact webcam settings, but it worked out I took nearly 2,000 frames or more to put into Registax 4.

Second attempt at Saturn with SPC900 webcam First Saturn image with SPC900 webcam, low in the sky.

Although the images are not award winners, not too bad for my first real images of Saturn, hopefully these will get better throughout the year and even better when I get used to imaging with the Meade DSI.

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