IC405 Flaming Star Nebula using Geoptik Adaptor Canon Lens

This was my 3rd image using the Geoptik adaptor and my Canon 70-300mm lens. For IC405 Flaming Star Nebula I decided to move to 200mm zoom, I had tried 200mm on IC405 on the 1st night and I was not happy with the focus, or the shape of the stars. On the 2nd night my TeleFokus from Telescope Service arrived to make focusing easier (but more about that in a later post).

This time on 200mm I set the f stop to f/7.1 I was worried about going any slower than f/7.1 as I would be gathering less light and losing sharpness.

I ended up binning 2×2 and taking 300 second exposures. This image below of IC405 Flaming Star Nebula included about 20 exposures. This was also guided this time. I am still not sure about it, but may add OIII exposures to produce a bi-colour image to see if that improves it. I have also been looking at expensive Canon lenses now, like the Canon 200mm f/2.8 prime lens and the Canon 70-200mm f/4 lens.

IC405 Flaming Nebula

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