Meade Bresser Messier 130N

After many months of being interested in telescopes and looking at various websites including ebay and other telescope retailers, I discovered that I live very close to the new location of Scopes N Skies showroom and warehouse.

After a couple of hours discussion with the team I decided to purchase a Meade Bresser Messier 130N Telescope. I originally thought I would come home with a Meade ETX80 with the autostar system, where the computer does all the work, but after finding out more, I instead went for a manual telescope.

When collecting the Meade Bresser Messier 130N I could not believe that it came in two boxes, one for the mount and one for the telescope itself. Now my girlfriend was going to be shocked that I had purchased another hobby item that is very large and takes up a lot of room, especially as one of my other hobbies is playing the drums.

Anyway it’s my first telescope and taking some time to get used to, but as the weather has been so bad lately I have only been outside once, but have decided in the last few nights to use it from a spare bedroom window on the moon.

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