Purchase Made: Meade DSI Pro

Meade DSI ProI had been looking out for a Meade DSI for a while, although I did not want to pay the full retail price, that meant looking for a second hand model, either on eBay or AstroBuySell.

I ended up buying my DSI Pro from eBay, and there was a bit of confusion between what model it was that I was actually buying. The seller said it was bought from Green Witch about 3 months ago, which led me to think it would be a DSI II. Although it wasn’t! It was a DSI Pro version 1, although I suppose at around £150 it was probably a good buy.

It turned up quickly and was missing the parfocal ring, but after a few emails, the seller found the parfocal ring and posted it on.

To begin with the DSI looks really complicated to use and it’s another computer software program that I need to learn how to use.

I first thing I did after installing the Autostar Suite, is that I printed out the manuals, as they only come on the main CD as PDF documents.

So far I have read the manuals and watched the online Meade videos, but I think it would have been good if Meade had included some kind of “How To” PDF or video as opposed to telling you how each menu works or what each button does.

I did not get the CCD filters in the sale, so now I am on the lookout for some Meade CCD RGB filters.

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