Goodbye Bresser Messier 130N Telescope

I have now upgraded from my first telescope my Bresser Messier 130N to an LX200 10″ GPS with UHTC. After starting my astronomy hobby four months ago with my first scope, it is now time to upgrade.

I am glad that I purchased the 130N first, before spending a lot of money on a hobby that I may have found was not for me, as my initial budget was £250, and I nearly went for an ETX80.

The 130N is/was a very good beginners scope especially from the point of view of value for money. The 130N Mount was really good, solid and well made.

I have decided to upgrade in order to concentrate of astrophotography and to see more of the universe. Using the 130N was great but difficult to acquire really good deep sky photos. Although the 130N has provided me with some very good moon images (in my mind, anyway).

I shall in due course take some photos of my scope for history sake and add a proper review of the 130N to the site shortly, a kind of lasting shrine.

Now comes a massive learning curve on getting used to the new scope and what it can do. Watch this space.

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