SPA Convention 2009 Lecture Tickets

I received my ticket to the Sir Patrick Moore lecture at the 2009 SPA Convention today. Sir Patrick Moore is not the one speaking but Dr Katie Joy is. The talk is entitled “The Past, Present and Future of Lunar Exploration”, a talk I am looking forward to.

I just really wanted to thank the SPA for doing such a great job of getting the ticket to me in the post together with a full agenda for the Society for Popular Astronomy Convention day at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge on 7th March 2009, as all I did was send them an email!

So if you are interested in any of these talks:

  • Introduction to Moon Dust and Meteorites
  • Epic Moon: A History of Lunar Observation
  • An Impact Cratering Tour of the Solar System
  • Meteorites: Unravelling Cosmic Mysteries

as well as astronomy trade stands, tours of the on-site telescopes, then head along, as it’s all free.

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